By Mark A. Kalustian
- Botta, P.E. Monuments de Nineve. 5 volumes, Paris, 1849-1850, elephantine
folio; with illustrative line drawings by Eugene Flandin.
- See plate number 141 in Volume 11 above or illustration accompanying
this essay.
- Thureau-Dangin, F. Une Relation de la Huitieme Campagne de Sargon.
Paris, 1912, page 65.
- Belck, W. Zeitschrift fur Ethnographie. Berlin, 1899, p. 103.
- Basmadjian was a noted editor and writer of literary and scientific
articles relating to Armenia; residing in Paris. 6. Journal of the Royal
Geographic Society for 1905, pages 362-363.
- Archaeology. October 1969, Vol. 22, No. 4; Urartu and Altintepe,
by Tahsin Ozguc, pp. 256-263, with 10 illustrations.
- The Armenian Review. June 1980, pp. 214-215 with illustration. An Armenian
Cylinder, by Mark A. Kalustian.
- Babelon, Ernest. Manual of Oriental Antiquities. New York, 1889, pp.
76-77, with illustrations.
- Piotrovskii, B.B. Urartu: The Kingdom of Van and Its Arts. New York
1967, pp. 6-11, with illustration.
- Olmstead, Albert T. Western Asia in the Days of Sargon, Assyria. Lancaster,
PA, 1908, vii + 193 pp., Chapter V: The Armenian Wars, pp. 103-116.
- Olmstead, A.T. History of Assyria. New York, 1923 xxix+695 pp., figures
101, 102, 115 and 116. The title under fig. 101 reads: Plunder of the "Greek"
temple of Musasir!